Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Music on this very Earth, circa 2011 c.e.

Life is a trip in the stariferious time and the backwash of our multiverse.  And fellow spirits always make it worth the journey.  I've never been a creator when it comes to music.  I'm a pretty good finish carpenter vs. an architect, but here's a bit of what I'm particularly impressed with these days... That's Big Big Train, "The Underfall Yard", and Rainbow Danger Club's "To Where the Maps End" .  And then, of course, here's another one of my favorites,  Jose Fernandez Ledesma's "El Avatar". .Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Aethan and Dad, July 2nd, 2011

July 1, 2011. John Jay Park, NYC.

Aeth in the foreign Legion

Wonderful Parisian Building

Having a little bite

More of Little Paris, NYC

We were not allowed to photograph inside, but that's the pool!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Saegaerts Abroad

Well, this will be the first entry then, on Father's day, 2011. For anyone who could possibly find any interest in the postings of a Dad about his life, and the son he loves, their family and their so dear friends. ...Enjoy!!!